

I live in the Bay Area, and I’m currently 26 years old. Happily married for almost three years and a business partner to my husband on his video and photo company, Eyeconik Media.

I was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and moved to California in 2005. My fitness journey started when my dad introduced me to CrossFit in 2011. He was going through a transformational fitness journey and wanted to bring me along. My dad was close to 300 pounds, depressed, and very unhappy. He completely transformed his life and got a hold of his physical and mental health, and pushed me to workout with him. I will say the first six month of my fitness journey I completely dreaded, I only went because it was great to spend time with my dad. To say the least I was a very non-athletic child.

After graduating college in July 2020 with my BA in Liberal Studies and a minor Cinema I was lost and confused on what I wanted to do. My friends and family saw my passion and love around fitness and always hinted I should get into personal training, but I never gave too much thought on it.

After finding Show Up fitness on YouTube, my view on personal trainers, the knowledge you should know, and how successful you could be motivated me to try it. I started training my friends and family at the park and now I turned that into a full time business and I couldn't be happier.